• Elite Lab USA Extreme Massive Mass Gainer 25 lbs Best Price in UAE
  • Elite Lab USA Extreme Massive Mass Gainer 25 lbs Best Price in UAE
  • Elite Lab USA Extreme Massive Mass Gainer 25 lbs Best Price in UAE
  • Elite Lab USA Extreme Massive Mass Gainer 25 lbs Best Price in UAE

Elite Lab USA Extreme Massive Mass Gainer 25 lbs

EL6273882 Available Flavours - Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla and Cookies &Cream
AED 325.00
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  • Elite Lab USA Extreme Massive Mass Gainer 25 lbs

    It doesn’t matter if you’re a skinny guy cursed with skinny genes, or your metabolism burns so fast it robs you of all your gains. Your days of busting @ss and getting no mass are done!

    Introducing Extreme Massive Mass Gainer™. It’s custom built for frustrated hardgainers and comes packed with 1,270+ mass-making calories, 60 grams of high-potency protein, over 12.7 grams of BCAAs, 10+ grams of glutamine precursors, and 249+ grams of the perfect carbohydrate for guys like you. If you’ve put in the time and hard work but still struggle to build the extreme mass you want, this one for you!


    Available Flavours - Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla and Cookies &Cream


    Hyjiyastore is a best place to buy the Elite Lab USA Extreme Massive Mass Gainer 25 lbs in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Al Ain, UAE, Middle East. Now shipping available to Doha - Qatar, KSA - Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman in the GCC. Our customers keep on coming back the reason, we have best customer support service / Cash on Delivery and One Day Delivery in UAE.

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