• OstroVit Betaine HCL VEGE 90 caps Best Price in UAE
  • OstroVit Betaine HCL VEGE 90 caps Best Price in Dubai

OstroVit Betaine HCL VEGE 90 caps

AED 75.00
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  • OstroVit Betaine HCL VEGE 90 caps

    OstroVit Betaine HCl VEGE is a vegan dietary supplement with a high content of betaine hydrochloride. Ingredients of the supplement regulate the level of stomach acids.

    What is betaine and who should be taking it?

    Betaine, also called trimethylglycine, is an amino acid that performs a number of functions in the human body, a.o. in participates in the course of numerous physiological processes. Betaine HCl regulates the level of hydrochloric acid, thanks to which it improves the process of protein digestion, supports the synthesis of amino acids, and also protects the body against the entry of pathogenic viruses into it. In addition, the use of betaine regulates the absorption of vitamin B12, and also reduces the level of homocysteine. It is also known for ability to raise muscle strength and reduce fatigue.

    Disorders in the production of stomach acid are a common ailment, appearing in particular in people who eat unhealthily, are exposed to stress or regularly consume alcohol. Betaine regulates the level of hydrochloric acid, thanks to which it can relieve abdominal pain, heartburn, constipation or nausea.

    Properties of the ingredients contained in OstroVit Betaine HCl:

    - SUPPORT OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM - Betaine HCl regulates hydrochloric acid level in the stomach. It supports digestion and absorption of nutrients from food.

    - PRODUCT FOR ATHLETES - Ingredients of the supplement show properties supporting the building of muscle mass.

    - VEGAN FORMULA - OstroVit Betaine HCl VEGE can be freely used by vegans and vegetarians. Both the supplement itself and the capsule coating are free from animal ingredients.

    - EASY TO USE - The supplement is available in the form of easy-to-swallow capsules. One capsule, that is a recommended daily dose of the product, contains as many as 650 mg of active ingredient.

    Suggested Use

    Take 1 serving (1 capsule) daily during a meal.

    Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Do not use the product as a substitute (replacement) for a varied diet. Recommended are balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Do not ingest if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. Do not consume the product by children, pregnant or nursing women. Keep out of the reach of children.


    Betaine hydrochloride, coating composition (bulking agent: hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose), anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide.

    Product may contain milk (including lactose), soybeans, peanuts, other nuts, sesame seeds, cereals containing gluten, eggs, crustaceans, fish.



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