• Quamtrax Whey Protein ISO Whey 5LB Price in UAE
  • Quamtrax Whey Protein ISO Whey 5LB Price in Dubai

Quamtrax Whey Protein ISO Whey 5LB

QWP-5 Flavors Subject to Avilability
AED AED 220.00 AED 250.00 AED 30.00
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What's This?
  • Quamtrax Whey Protein ISO Whey 5LB - QWP-5

    The perfect combination of rapid assimilation proteins without sugars and with an incomparable flavor. 

    Isolated and concentrated whey obtained by cross-flow microfiltration, this process ensures that the lactose, fat and carbohydrate concentrations are reduced drastically compared to other proteins obtained by another procedure, respecting the biological value of the protein at 100% and maintaining Its natural aminogram, which gives us, among others, more than 20 grams of BCAA for the best muscle building and almost 20 grams of glutamic acid to obtain a complete recovery.

    A minimum contribution of fats and carbohydrates, makes it a faithful ally for people who carry a weight-control diet or for those who must have a high protein supply without over-modifying the caloric percentage of their diet.

    IsoWhey has a wide range of flavors that will surprise you, not only for its intensity, but also for its purity, since they do not contain added sugars. Neither does it contain mixtures of amino acids, creatines or other source that can mask or adulterate the final percentage of protein and its origin.

    • Whey protein isolate and concentrate of fast assimilation.
    • Ideal for after training or supplement feeding.
    • No additives that hide your actual percentage of protein.

    Ingredients : Whey Protein Concentrate; Whey Isolate; Skimmed Cocoa (Theobroma Cocoa); Aroma: Aroma of Chocolate; Aroma: Aroma de Nata; Thickener Guar; Sweetner: Sucralose.

    How To Use : Take 30 g. (1 bucket) of product, mixed with 300 ml. Of liquids, after training.




    HyjiyaStore is a Best platform to buy the Quamtrax Whey Protein ISO Whey 5LB - QWP-5 in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Al Ain, UAE, Middle East. Now shipping available to Doha - Qatar, KSA - Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman in the GCC. Our customers keep on coming back the reason, we have best customer support service / Cash on Delivery and One Day Delivery in UAE.

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