• Sungift Nutrition B12 100Mg 100 Tabs Best Price in UAE
  • Sungift Nutrition B12 100Mg 100 Tabs Best Price in Dubai
  • Sungift Nutrition B12 100Mg 100 Tabs Best Price in Abu Dhabi

Sungift Nutrition B12 100Mg 100 Tabs

AED 69.00
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  • Sungift Nutrition B12 100Mg 100 Tabs

    Many people suffer from a vitamin B12 deficiency because they don’t get enough of this vitamin from food alone. Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that promotes good heart health, cognitive functioning, and athletic performance. With 500 mcg of vitamin B12 per serving, you just need one Sungift tablet to get your daily dose.


    Hyjiyastore is a best place to buy the Sungift Nutrition B12 100Mg 100 Tabs in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Al Ain, UAE, Middle East. Now shipping available to Doha - Qatar, KSA - Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman in the GCC. Our customers keep on coming back the reason, we have best customer support service / Cash on Delivery and One Day Delivery in UAE.

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